Hello! I began this blog back in 2011 by posting my poetry but, more recently, I have been writing about what life has been like since the pandemic began. In the first few months of lockdown I was blogging nearly every single day.

I’m the mother of three, grandmother of six, writer, author (How to Get into Advertising, Cengage Learning), poet, former lecturer, copywriter and the founder of Get Into Advertising Training Workshops.

At the end of 2019 a book of my poetry was published, “Wonderland”. It includes some of the poems you’ll find on my blog.  It costs £5.00 plus £1.50 postage within the UK. 10% of any profit I make from sales will be donated to Macmillan Cancer. If you’d like a copy, please do let me know. 

BC (Before Corona) I was reading my poetry to live audiences – now the only audiences I have are online and on Zoom! 

I hope that, as well as reading my latest blog posts, you’ll also want to look at some of my poetry.  I call it My Life in Poems because most of it is autobiographical. If you ask me for a favourite I would say that it’s “Another Birthday”.  

I’ve also included some “flash fiction”.  These are extremely short stories – sometimes only a paragraph or two long.

Nearly everything you read in my blog has been written by me – whether it’s poetry, flash fiction, short stories, reminisces or my thoughts about one thing or another. I always make it quite clear if and when there is something that is not my own work.

Please let me have your comments.  Let me know what you like and what has resonated with you.

Keep looking. Keep liking. I hope you will want to follow My Life in Poems and look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you!


© Andrea Neidle, My Life in Poems

14 thoughts on “ABOUT ME

  1. Andrea, I hope this request gets to you from here. I was at a live meeting of the Watford Writers in July, where you read your never-before publicized poem . I thought the poem was superb and never forgot about it. This week I am taking the chair at my other poetry group in Enfield, and the theme is Childhood. I would very much like to present your poem as one of my set of poems on Childhood. I wonder how you would feel about allowing me to share your poem with my group? Obviously I don’t have a copy of it, so would require you to send me the document online.

    With best wishes,
    Judy Klimt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Judy. Thanks for your comment and the lovely feedback. As you can see, I have edited your comment so the name does not appear! Would it be possible for me to be a guest at your Enfield group and read the poem myself? I think I would prefer that if it would be possible. If you want to discuss why not get my email or mobile number from Helen (WW)? Best wishes, Andrea


  2. Dear Andrea

    I have just read your poem. Dedicated to the women of Greenham Common. I really liked it and I wonder if I might read it aloud tomorrow at Greenham Common? I will be there for the final day of the 40th anniversary of the great women’s March from Cardiff to Greenham in 1981. I have been sorting poems to read. I will have it printed out and take it with me so hope you will approve. Kind regards Illona

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I would be honoured. I would appreciate it if you would please say who the poem was by (Neidle is pronounced Needle!) and also please mention this blog, My Life in Poems by Andrea Neidle. Thank you and I hope the reading goes well.
      Kind regards, Andrea


  3. Hi Andrea, I’m a newbie follower to your blog and have been enjoying your poetry. I’m a novice songwriter, and I’m always looking for ways to improve my own writing. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading more of your poems.



  4. I am delighted to have found your pages! I was searching for info on your dad so what a treat to find what I was looking for and your lovelly poems too! I have just finished reading your fathers book “time remembered” – packed with rich details of life in the jewish east end. I grew up listening to similar stories from my own dad who although not jewish, grew up on brick lane with many jewish friends. Like your father, he also did well at school and went into advertising and journalism and had a life long love of writing, particularly poetry. I think the writing gene must be a strong one , as with you, I also inherited my fathers love of writing and so have my own children. I look forward to reading many more of your poems – I loved the one about your mother and the packet of seeds. Long may the sweetpeas bloom.
    Best wishes!


    1. Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog. I am touched that you enjoyed my dad’s book about the East End. He also wrote a follow up, Grief Forgotten, which you might also like to read. He died of cancer in 1999. It brings me a great deal of pleasure to know that people are still reading and enjoying his books.
      Very best wishes


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